
THQ Q&A Live (29/09/2009)

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view post Posted on 29/9/2009, 01:34

Niente Demo

Story designer per tutti tranne ke x DS. Ps2 e psp potranno mettere in una storia 55 elementi (tra match e cut scenes), xbox e ps3 500 elementi

Create a finisher anke per le Divas

Niente accesso al backstage partendo dal ring

Ci saranno delle novità per le Divas (oltre al fatto ke partecipano a tutti i match escluso il first blood)

Matt Striker al commento x la prima volta

Gli atributi si otterranno con la carrer mode, inolre la CAW sarà migliorata anke partecipando a single match e alla RTW

Ci saranno 2 storyline di esempio nella Designer story, più una da sbloccare

Ci saranno personaggi sbloccabili

I ppv nn sono aggiornati

Niente wwe superstars arena

Saranno aggiunte nuove zone del back stage

Ridotti i lag online

Sistema di reversal bilanciato; avremo più opzioni di bloccaggio/reversal

Movenze e interazioni più fluide grazie al nuovo motore grafico Havok
view post Posted on 29/9/2009, 01:36

Q: Is there going to be a downloadable demo of Smackdown vs Raw 2010 for the PS3 or 360 this year?

A: Wow, right off the bat with the big questions! Unfortunately, there will not be any demos this year.

Q: How exactly have the royal rumble and tlc mactches been improved?

A: We've done a lot of exciting things to polish our match types this year. We've also added some new match types that the fans will dig. Right now, I can't say more than that, but we will be officially announcing what those changes are within the next 2 weeks.

Q: Let's talk about the one really big new feature, the Create A Story Mode. Is it true that fans will be able to create their own storylines with WWE Superstars, then share them online?

A: Absolutely! I've been a wrestling and wrestling game fan for years. And as a fan this is a feature that I've always wanted. I know the community is going to really love what they can do in this mode.

Q: What consoles are the new Create A Story available on?

A: Story Designer is in every game accept for DS.

Q: Many fans, like Tom, are asking about DLC this year ... any plans for future packs of Superstars? New game modes?

A: On PS2,Wii and PSP you have fewer moments, I think there's 55 on those. 360 and PS3 have 500 moments you can use!

Q: Will the show," WWE Superstars" be in the game?

A: Unfortunately we don't have WWE Superstars... not enough time:( But we do have 16 other arenas.

Q: I think "moments" in the Create A Story mode needs more explaination. Moments = story points, correct?

A: Moments are either Cut Scenes or Matches in Story Designer

Q: Once you make the story in story mode. Can you watch it. Or do you have to play it?

A: As for watching or creating your shows, you get to choose! You are able to create a single player storyline or you can set the matches to be AI controlled.

Q: Have you guys ever thought about Create-An-Arena? or Create-A-Match? Theres something that would be good for us fans :D

A: I'd love to have Create-An-Arena and Create-A-Match. Hopefully one day we'll get them in there.

Q: Is there a limit on how many superstars can be in one scene of the Create a Story Mode?

A: Each scene in story designer is self contained animation. Some have 1 superstar, others have up to 5. Additionally there are over 100 scenes, and they are very customizable. Change out the superstars...locations...emotion on their face... sound... camera angels and text. You can also reduce how many superstars are in a scene by leaving that "cast" slot empty.

Q: You don't have to give us details, But are there unlockables int he game we don't know about yet?

A: There are unlockables in the game that you don't know about yet.

Q: Will there be storylines on SvR2010 already on the game that we can just play instead of creating our own?

A: We have 2 "sample" stories that come with the game. A third one can be unlocked.

Q: Will Custom Music And Full Entrances Be Allowed Online Or Is It A Copyright Issue?

A: Entrances are allowed online. But you will not be able to used custom music... like you said, there's copyright issues there.

Q: Like im past games, will you be able to import music for CAW entrance music?

A: You can use custom music offline though.

Q: Will we ever be able to, in future games, get ALTERNATE costumes/outfits for Shawn Michales, or The Undertaker?

A: I sure hope we'll be able to get those alternate attires in. I'd love to see all of Undertaker's old looks. But this year you are able to edit the look of all our Superstars, with the Superstar Threads feature. This allows you to change the color of their outfits. For example, we have the blue logo for Cena in the game. But you can change that to green really easily and make him look more up-to-date. And like always you can update their movesets, customize their entrances and add create a finishers, like the new diving create a finisher. Also the superstar threads that you create can be seen in online matches.

Q: Will the backstage areas finally be connected to the ringside area like in previous Smackdown games from years past?

A: Nope, still not connected.

Q: I know Create-A-Finisher is expanded a little this year, to give more freedom to gamers. Can you give us more details on what users can do move-wise?

A: Well, last year we had front grapples. This year we added 30% more animations to that. And then we also added diving finishers too. The diving finishers are a blast to create. You can make totally unrealistic moves that just look sick, or do something that looks straight out of what you'd see on Monday Nigh RAW. And like Story Designer you can post and share those created moves online.

Q: Can you give divas created finishers?

A: Yes, you can give divas created finishers. Also Divas can now participate in every match type (except first blood)

Q: Is there a way to have some Create a Finisher moves that involve behind moves? Holds like Skull Crushing Finale or Dream Street?

A: Sorry for the delay there Fraser, had to double check the "behind moves". The focus is really on front grapples. That said, you can branch the moves to go behind, like getting in a reverse DDT clutch.

Q: Can you make submissions or just finishers?

A: Just finishers this year.

Q: Can you tell us maybe SOME of the match types in the game?

A: Sorry, guys. Can't announce anything relating specifically to match types...

Q: Is there a Diva-centric match this year? I've been missing them lately.

A: I will say we do have something there for the divas:)

Q: Can you assign attributes to your created guy or is it the same system as last year?

A: The attributes have been updated from last year. You still gain experience from matches, but depending on what you do during the match will allow you to add those earned attributes to specific categories... for example if you use a lot of strikes you will be able to increase your Striking stat. Also, you will beable to develop your CAS from career, exhibition and also Road to WrestleMania!

Q: Why the sudden change with the layer bit? I mean doesn't the new points system for CAS limit CAS a bit?

A: With CAS we added 3D parts this year and ripped out all of the painted on parts (like the tie). The points system is there to support that change. And because of it you can create cooler looking characters than ever before.

Q: Many are asking if the new WWE pay-per-view events like Bragging Rights, Hell in a Cell and Breaking Point are in the game. Those are probably too new to make the cut for this year.

What is the cut-off point for the yearly version of the WWE game? Late spring?

A: Yeah, those events should be awesome, and I would expect them all next year. Spring is a fair guess for cut-off points.

Q: Is the crotch blur still there in Create A Wrestler?

A: Yeah, we can't get rid of the crotch blur.

Q: Are there intergender matches in exhibition? If not then why? It's been a standard feature in every game.

A: We'd all love to see that restriction go too, but it's just the way the world is.

Q: This is the first year for new commentator Matt Striker in-game, correct?

A: Yeah, Matt is in the game and he's teaming up with Todd Grisham. They did a fantasitic job! You have to love Striker! The commentators for each brand are: Cole/King, JR/Tazz, and Grisham/Striker. The reason this is a bit dated is in order to get all the commentary and Road to WrestleMania VO in the game. We have to start early or we'd never make it in time.


A: Yes, we have added a few more backstage areas.

Q: Has online lag been reduce for the PS3?

A: Yep, the lag has been improved.

Q: I think he means better animation options.

A: We also added more options once you block a kick. You can do strikes or grapples from there. You can also get that punch/block trading sequence that you see on WWE more frequently... in a good way.

Q: Jon, has the new Havok engine for the game fixed any major glitches of the past, like collision and so on?

A: Havok is new this year. We're excited about some of the polish it's brought to the game. You'll see less clipping and some really natural looking animation interactions... for example when one superstar walks past another they will hook arms...when you walk near the ropes your arm will dangle over it... those types of polish things are what you can expect too see and they make the action look more like the real thing.
~Jake Tyler™
view post Posted on 29/9/2009, 01:40

direi che è ottimo.
view post Posted on 29/9/2009, 01:45

Nn ha svelato nessuna bomba, in compenso nulla mi delude x il momento. Notte
~Jake Tyler™
view post Posted on 29/9/2009, 01:47

a parte che si potranno modificare l' entrate dei wrestler.

ciau notte
view post Posted on 29/9/2009, 01:49

CITAZIONE (~Jake Tyler™ @ 29/9/2009, 02:47)
a parte che si potranno modificare l' entrate dei wrestler.

ciau notte

Vero quello è bellissimo; perkècambiando alcuni colori agli attire renderò face alcuni hell e viceversa, quindi devo anke render credibili le entrate a seconda dei loro passaggi di allineamento
view post Posted on 29/9/2009, 05:52

Hall Of Famer



Se qualcuno fa una bella traduzione...:asd:
view post Posted on 29/9/2009, 05:57

Hall Of Famer



Niente accesso al backstage partendo dal ring

Deluso, molto deluso... avevano detto l'anno scorso che nel 2010 si poyeva fare. :drop:
view post Posted on 29/9/2009, 06:22

Con 500blocchi per la storyline, facendo una storyline di6mesi avremmo una media di 500:30 (24settimane +6ppv) cioè 16/17 blocchi a serata (es. 7 match e 9 cut scenes); nn posso di certo lamentarmi
view post Posted on 29/9/2009, 06:51

Hall Of Famer



Ma per la PS2 com'è la Story Designer? Cioè in che senso che ci sono meno punti? Ancora non ho capito :asd:
Raven 90
view post Posted on 29/9/2009, 07:15

Q: How exactly have the royal rumble and tlc mactches been improved?

A: We've done a lot of exciting things to polish our match types this year. We've also added some new match types that the fans will dig. Right now, I can't say more than that, but we will be officially announcing what those changes are within the next 2 weeks.

Qua dice anche che ci saranno nuovi tipi di match
view post Posted on 29/9/2009, 07:57

Vedete lo sapevo ci sn altri pg sicuro che ci sta la HD ma avete chiesto dove si sbloccano
view post Posted on 29/9/2009, 08:06

ma come niente demo !!!! o_O
view post Posted on 29/9/2009, 08:16

Deluso dal fatto che non ci sarà la demo
view post Posted on 29/9/2009, 08:38

siii!! ancora una speranza x katie lea!!
101 replies since 29/9/2009, 01:34   1993 views